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AFD China selected into the "Good List of Beijing Business Service Industry for the Year of 2015"

On December 28, 2016, the Union of Beijing Business Services issued to AFD China a Certificate of Honor of being elected into the "Good List of Beijing Business Service Industry", as a special commendation for AFD China's trademark services.

AFD China's winning of this honor, is a recognition of its service concept, service attitude and service awareness, and also an affirmation on the efforts made by AFD China in following industry norms and observing professional ethics as a member of the intellectual property service industry.

We cannot win this honor without the support of all our clients, and we should also give thanks to all our staff for their continuous efforts. Here we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for keeping constant company with AFD China. As always, we will continue putting clients' interests first and provide clients with forward-looking solutions and quality services.  


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